Conversations with HJM: Eric Luedtke, Chief Legislator Officer to Governor Wes Moore
Today for our “2023 MACo Edition” of Conversations with HJM, we are featuring Eric Luedtke, who currently serves as Chief Legislative Officer to Maryland Governor Wes Moore. He shares insight on his transition from a legislator to his current position and discusses the legislative priorities of ...
Conversations with HJM: Helene T. Grady, Maryland Secretary of Budget & Management
Welcome back to our 2023 MACo edition of Conversations with HJM! In this episode, Helene T. Grady, Maryland Secretary of Budget & Management, joins Lisa Harris Jones and Tommy Tompsett for an in-depth look at Maryland’s current economy, the economic headwinds that Maryland is facing, and the c...
Conversations with HJM: Fagan Harris, Chief of Staff to Governor Wes Moore
In this episode of ConversationswithHJM, attorneys Lisa Harris Jones and Tommy Tompsett sit down with Fagan Harris, Chief of Staff to Governor Wes Moore to discuss his experience and background and why it was important to build a diverse administration to serve the citizens of Maryland. He also pr...
Conversations with HJM: Maryland Lt. Governor Aruna Miller
Our #conversationswithHJM series continues from the Maryland Association of Counties’ (MACo) 2023 Summer Conference in Ocean City, Maryland. In this episode, Maryland Lt. Governor Aruna Miller sits down with Lisa Harris Jones and Tommy Tompsett to discuss her role as Lt. Governor. She also sha...
Conversations with HJM: Mollie Byron
CONVERSATIONS WITH HJM: MOLLIE BYRON “…this Governor wants to be everywhere and partner with everyone. There is not a single local elected that I’ve introduced him to that he has not been so warm and kind to and connected with immediately…he loves being around people, so it’s dif...
2023 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Wrap-Up
04/14/2023 The 445th Session of the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) concluded on April 10, 2023, capping the historic first Session of a new term with a newly elected legislature, Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller and Treasurer. At this time each year, HJM likes to take a moment to share the h...
Tammy Stinnett Recognized as a Women of Impact
Harris Jones & Malone is proud to share that our very own Tammy Stinnett was recognized as a “Women of Impact” in honor of Women’s History Month for her work in the community. Mayor Brandon M. Scott hosted a ceremony celebrating women across the City of Baltimore who are having a positiv...